You'll never walk alone


I remember to feel always fascinated by the way the things were made, but that was not immediately translated into a burning desire to make shoes. My decision to become a shoemaker appeared to be entirely serendipitous.  I studied Chemistry and Business Administration and spent a lifetime working as IT Consultant. But at some point in my life, an unexpected and decisive encounter was key to decode the signs I had raised in cerebral surrondings from an early age.  

My love story with shoes started in 2011 in Barcelona apprenticing, under an orthopaedic shoemaker, the very early stages of the shoe making process: commencing with the anatomy of a shoe and following with the measuring, modeling, pattering, cutting, sewing and the basics of the cementing artisan method. After learning the craft, I gradually took over the entire construction process and moved to Florence in 2014 to be trained under the tutelage of the workdwide japanese master Kumiko Imata settled at Stefano Bemer. On my return from Italy and with my feelings straight, I actually started to truly believe in my passion and decided to firmly dedicate my whole efforts to become one day a professional shoemaker.